Multiple challenges of ATAC-Seq, Points to Consider (Yuan Xue)
Episode 79
July 14, 2022
In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Active Motif’s own Yuan Xue to talk about some of the challenges of performing ATAC-Seq.
ATAC-Seq stands for Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin with high-throughput sequencing and was initially described by Jason Buenrostro in 2013. The ATAC-Seq method relies on next-generation sequencing (NGS) library construction using the hyperactive transposase Tn5. NGS adapters are loaded onto the transposase, which allows simultaneous fragmentation of chromatin and integration of those adapters into open chromatin regions. ATAC-Seq is an attractive method to start your epigenetic journey. Whether you want to analyze the state of the chromatin in your sample or compare the chromatin state before and after a special treatment, ATAC-Seq allows you to investigate genome-wide chromatin changes and can offer guidelines about which epigenetic modification or transcription factor should be studied next in the follow-up experiments and which method should be used to study them.
In this Episode we go through the Protocol in detail and discuss potential challenges and points to pay attention to when starting your first ATAC-Seq experiment.