Albumin Blue Fluorescent Assay Kit

sensitive, quantitative determination of albumin in biological samples

The Albumin Blue Fluorescent Assay Kit is a quantitative assay designed to measure albumin levels in biological samples including serum and urine. The kit combines unmatched sensitivity, high specificity and a quick, easy protocol to provide an effective assay for studying albumin.

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Albumin Blue Fluorescent Assay Kit 1 kit 15002 ¥4,290 Add to Cart

Albumin, produced only in the liver, is the major plasma protein circulating in the bloodstream. It plays a significant role in the maintenance of colloid osmotic pressure and the binding of long-chain fatty acids, bile acids, bilirubin, haematin, calcium and magnesium. It also acts as a carrier for nutritional factors and drugs. Because serum albumin is a reliable prognostic indicator for morbidity and mortality, liver disease, kidney disease and malnutrition, efficient study methods are in high demand. The Albumin Blue Fluorescent Assay Kit provides a simple tool for highly selective and sensitive albumin detection and comes complete with everything required for performing the assay.

The Albumin Blue advantage

Currently, assays that are suitable for determining low concentrations of albumin (< 100 mg/L) are nonspecific, and merely quantify total protein content. In contrast, the Albumin Assay Kit is sensitive, easy to use and specific for albumin. Simply add the Diluent Buffer and Dye Reagent to the standards and samples, then read the fluorescence. The intensity of the fluorescent signal is directly proportional to the albumin concentration of the sample. And, as albumin-bound dye has a greatly increased excitation, the background caused by the emission of any free dye is minimal (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Absorption and emission spectra of dye that is free or bound to albumin.
Normalized absorption and emission spectra of free (lower curves) and conjugated dye (upper curves) in the Albumin Blue Assay.

Why Use Albumin Blue?

  • Quick and easy to use
  • Unmatched precision
  • Sensitive – detection limit (< 0.5 mg/L in urine and serum samples)
  • Highly selective – no interference from other proteins or lipids
  • High-throughput compatible

The Albumin Blue Fluorescent Assay Kit has been described in the following publications:

Contents & Storage

Dye Reagent, albumin standard and dilution buffers. All components should be stored at 4°C and are guaranteed stable for 6 months when stored properly.