
Joe headshot

Joe Fernandez



年仅28岁的Joseph Fernandez是总部位于加利福尼亚州Carlsbad的分子生物学公司Invitrogen, Inc(LIFE Technologies)的两位联合创始人之一。Fernandez先生开发并帮助推出了该公司的第一批商业产品。作为管理团队的高层,在十多年间,他和他的同事们将Invitrogen打造成全球领先的克隆和表达的分子生物学工具供应商。Fernandez先生几乎参与了公司的所有方面--包括获取证照许可、研发、运营、业务开发和营销。Fernandez先生于1999年Invitrogen公司在纳斯达克上市后离开。Invitrogen公司成为世界五大生物技术公司之一,并被赛默飞世尔收购。Fernandez先生于1999年创办了Active Motif公司,专门从事表观遗传学和基因调节的基因组工具和平台技术。Active Motif被认为是表观基因组学和表观遗传学的世界领导者。在加入Invitrogen公司之前,Fernandez先生在Stratagene公司工作,帮助当时刚刚起步的分子克隆领域开发新产品并实现商业化。 Fernandez先生在俄亥俄州的Hiram学院获得了他的本科学位。在接受工业界的职位之前,他在俄亥俄州的Bowling Green市进行了微生物遗传学的研究生工作。Fernandez先生是许多科学论文的作者,并就分子生物学的几个主题编辑了一些章节和一本教科书,在行业内拥有20多项专利。Fernandez先生是Hiram学院(俄亥俄州)董事会的活跃成员,并通过家庭基金会参与了几个非营利组织。Fernandez先生是美国NASDAQ、英国AIMS和德国法兰克福证券交易所的董事会主席或成员。

Wainwright headshot

Wainwright Fishburn

Lead Director

Wainwright's Bio

Wainwright Fishburn is a the co-founder of seven companies, two of which went public. He earned his B.A. from the University of Arizona, where he served on the Advisory Board for Tech Launch Arizona. He completed post-graduate work as a senior fellow at the Australian National University and received his JD degree from the University of California Law, San Francisco, where he served as President of the Board of Governors. He is a founding partner of Cooley’s San Diego office and is a prominent venture capital attorney. He served as the Global Head of the Firm’s Digital Health Practice from inception until his retirement in 2023. Wain has also served as the Chair of the BIO Digital Health Track at the BIO International Convention from 2014-2022. He is Chair of the Critical Path Institute, a public-private partnership created in part by the FDA, dedicated to integrating scientific advances into the development pathway. Wain has been widely recognized as a leader in numerous publications, including, his recognition by The Daily Journal as one of California’s top attorneys. He was also recognized by The San Diego Business Journal Book of Influential Business Leaders. Wain was previously named by Nature magazine as being instrumental to the success of San Diego as a life science hub. As a community leader, Wain is past Chairman of the Sanford-Burnham Institute for Medical Research, one of the nation’s leading independent biomedical research institutes. He is an Executive Committee member of the board of the UCSD Moores Cancer Center and is a founding director of both the Corporate Directors Forum and BIOCOM, the largest regional life science association in the world.

Ted DeFrank headshot

Ted DeFrank

Active Motif的首席执行官兼总裁


Ted于2007年4月加入Active Motif,此前他于2006年便开始在董事会任职。在加入Active Motif之前,他是一名独立的运营管理顾问,并担任过Assay Designs公司的 "临时 "首席执行官。此前,他在2000年至2004年期间担任皮尔斯生物技术公司的总裁兼总经理,指导其战略并管理其运营,包括Endogen产品系列。在此期间,Pierce的蛋白质生物化学产品从4000万美元增长到超过8000万美元。在加入Pierce之前,他是Invitrogen公司的首席运营官,协助该公司为其IPO做准备。他商业生涯的早期是在Stratagene公司工作,从1985年到1995年,在实验室纯化DNA修饰酶,制造DNA克隆载体和试剂盒,管理各种运营和制造业务,离职时担任运营副总裁。他还在Scripps诊所和洛杉矶儿童医院担任过实验室技术员,毕业于加州大学旧金山分校,获得生物化学和细胞生物学学士学位。除了在Active Motif的董事会任职外,他还在Assay Designs、Imgenex和PAGEgel以及非营利组织Just In Time的董事会任职。

Tammy Brach headshot

Tammy Brach, BSIE, MBA, PMP, CMQ/OE




Mary Janatpour headshot

Mary Janatpour, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer at Actym Therapeutics


Mary J. Janatpour, PhD has served on the Board of Directors of Active Motif since 2021. She is an Oncology R&D Executive and Advisor, with 25 years helping biotech and pharma companies build value through strategic oncology pipeline development - leading efforts from target inception through Phase 1 clinical studies. Dr. Janatpour is the Chief Scientific Officer at Actym Therapeutics and also serves on the Bioconjugates Advisory Board at Catalent Pharma Solutions. Prior to working with Actym, Dr. Janatpour served as EVP and Chief Scientific Officer at Spotlight Therapeutics, where she was responsible for the build of the therapeutic pipeline, leveraging the company’s proprietary CRISPR-based in situ gene editing platform. Prior to that, Dr. Janatpour served as Vice President Oncology Research at Dynavax Technologies where she led an immuno-oncology clinical program through Ph1 and a research laboratory focused on rational clinical combinations with TLR agonists. As a pipeline builder for much of her career, she built oncology biologics early-stage portfolios at Chiron Corporation, Schering-Plough Biopharma and Novartis and was an independent consultant for immuno-oncology start-ups with novel platforms. Dr. Janatpour received her BA in Molecular Biology from the University of California, Berkeley and a PhD in Biomedical Science from the University of California, San Francisco. She did her post-doctoral training in Immunology at the DNAX Research Institute in Palo Alto, CA.

Jason Li headshot

Jason Li, Ph.D.



李博士16岁进入武汉大学,20岁时在中国科学院上海生物化学研究所读研究生。后来,他到纽约市立大学攻读博士学位。2000年,他成为伊利诺伊州立大学芝加哥分校的终身教授。从科学家到企业家,2002年,李博士和他的合伙人从抗体开始,成立了Proteintech公司,瞄准蛋白质组学研究市场,为科研人员提供抗体产品。自成立以来,Proteintech公司一直秉承 "自主产品、拒绝代工、拒绝代购 "的企业理念,高标准、高要求,建立了严格的企业制度,主导制定了抗体行业标准,为科学家提供可追溯的高质量产品。作为一家抗体生产企业,Proteintech公司能够不断赢得国内外用户的青睐,获得行业的广泛认可,这与它的核心理念是分不开的。李博士认为,最重要的是要为科学家服务,专注于抗体生产。正是这种精神和态度,在公司成立的15年中,产品被2万多篇文章引用,没有一篇是因抗体而被撤稿的,这为抗体行业的健康发展提供了强大动力。

Marc Nasoff headshot

Marc Nasoff, Ph.D.




Augie Sick headshot

Augie Sick



Augie带来了超过35年的成功的行政领导、创业和投资经验。他是Cascade Prodrug公司的联合创始人,该公司专注于临床前阶段的肿瘤治疗研究。作为俄勒冈州纳米科学和微技术研究所(ONAMI)的驻场企业家,他是TheraFluor公司的共同创始人和首席执行官;开发用于荧光引导手术和术中光疗的纳米粒子。Augie目前是Active Motif、Cascade Prodrug、TheraFluor的董事会成员以及俄勒冈大学Phil和Penny Knight校区的外部顾问委员会成员。此前,他是SupraSensor企业的共同创始人和首席执行官;该公司主要开发土壤养分监测系统。而更早前,他在Invitrogen公司拥有多年成功的职业生涯。Augie在1986年开始了他的生物技术生涯,担任Mycogen公司的研究助理。他是36项美国专利的主要发明人。Augie在加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得了生物化学和细胞生物学学士学位。