LightSwitch™ 荧光素酶报告基因检测系统


With a genome-wide library of over 30,000 pre-cloned and ready to transfect regulatory elements, a highly optimized Renilla luciferase (RenSP) vector system and assay reagents, the LightSwitch™ luciferase reporter assay system is the optimal solution for your gene regulation studies. Select from our wide range of products and services below.

Learn more about the LightSwitch™ luciferase reporter assay system



Search the Pre-Cloned LightSwitch Luciferase GoClone® Collections


Promoter & Distal Regulatory Element Luciferase Construct Collection

miRNA & 3´ UTR Luciferase Construct Collection

LightSwitch Luciferase Reporter Assay System Reagents